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Episode 223: In the Dynamics Corner Chair: It’s Integrated

Integrated systems can streamline operations by enabling different software applications to communicate and work together seamlessly. This can reduce duplicate entries and manual tasks, saving a significant amount of time.

Integrated systems can also help to improve the customer experience. For example, integration between CRM, sales, and customer support can help provide a unified view of each customer, allowing for better, personalized service and for each application to do what it is designed to do, and do it well

There are many options for integrating your Microsoft Dynamics 355 Business Central ERP software wort other applications. In this episode, we welcome Martin Olsen from eOne Integrated Business Solutions, who will offer valuable insights into system integration.

Reach out to Martin Olsen @ Martin.Olsen@eonesolutions.com or sales@eonesolutions.com
eOneSolution (https://www.eonesolutions.com/) and tell them that Kris and Brad sent you.

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